Learning stories

Learn to count while playing

“My little daughter Emma is almost 3 years old. She is very lively and extremely bright. The other day I wanted to teach her the numbers 1 to 20. I kept telling her the numbers and she should repeat them. That worked quite well, but after a few minutes the numbers were forgotten or mixed up.

Michelle loves to play hide and seek. When she was once again playing hide and seek with her brother (6 years old), he said she had to cover her eyes and count to 18. And lo and behold. After counting up the numbers together and playing a few games of hide and seek, Emma was able to recite the numbers from 1 to 18 fluently. She hasn't forgotten or confused them since then. "

Chirs from Seattle

Transcendental meditation

“I keep my brain fit by doing transcendental meditation twice a day. My parents introduced me to meditation during my school days because I could not concentrate well at the time. That was over 20 years ago. That changed my life. Since I have been meditating, I have more joy in life and can concentrate and think more clearly. I meditate for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. It brings me a lot and is really not difficult. Anyone can do that. My experience is that a lot of people don't believe it will work. But believe it or not believe it. It helped me. "


The loci method

“If I have to memorize things, then I put each fact in a different place in my apartment. I imagine how I go through the individual rooms and put down one of the things I want to remember in every suitable place. When I want to remember it again, I just walk the path in my head and Tada is all there again. If it is something abstract, such as love or dance, then a little yellow man helps me. So I just let it dance in the respective places. The following applies: the more unusual the better it is remembered. " Anne

Change your perspective

“My father taught me to paint. But much more than that. When I was 5 years old, I wanted to paint a tree. He told me to try to paint the air around the tree. A child does not think like an adult. I painted the air around the tree. I still have the picture today. It shows me that things we see are not always what they first appear. "


A cup of tea in the evening

“Since I've been running my own little business, I've been able to organize my time myself. Every morning after getting up, I do physical exercises and meditate. That helps me face the challenges of the day. In the evening I usually have a cup of tea and do puzzles or read a good book. "

S. Bacher from Dallas

Play guitar

“I bought a guitar for the first time when I was 32 years old. I've never played an instrument before. When I need a clear head, I play “Stairway to Heaven” and other classic rock pieces on my guitar. "

Thomas from Florida

Life means taking risks

“As a young girl, I often saw a young man at the bus stop. I've always waited for him to greet me or speak to me once. He never did that. From this I came to the conclusion that you can't always wait for others to approach you. There are times in life that you have to tackle, even if they come with the risk of failure. This insight has helped me a lot in life! "


Remember numbers

I can remember numbers particularly well. I can do this by assigning a person to each number between 0 and 9. If I have to memorize a number with several digits, I memorize the people and come up with a suitable story for the people.


Believe in you!

When I was in elementary school, I couldn't concentrate. I was bad and I was sometimes called 'play child'. After the 4th grade I got a recommendation for a secondary school. Then I got a place at a comprehensive school and worked my way up there. Now I have a gym recommendation. I made it through a lot of sport, learning training and proper nutrition. Now I'll be doing my Abitur soon.



My son went to high school and had to repeat grade 8 twice. He then moved to secondary school, where he continued to perform poorly. Although he is very intelligent, he did not manage to concentrate on a subject. At first we thought of an adolescent phase, but to be on the safe side we consulted several doctors and psychologists. An intelligence test showed above-average performance, but ADHD was diagnosed. The doctor prescribed Ritalin. Since my son has been taking Ritalin regularly, his performance in almost all subjects has improved by 1 to 2 grades. Now he's one of the best in his class. Ritalin is a very potent drug and has helped my son concentrate better.


Learn vocabulary

“We started learning Spanish at school. My first foreign language was English. And although I have no problems in English, it is always difficult for me to learn the vocabulary. That's why I tried something new while learning Spanish.

I am now only learning whole sentences for a short time and no more individual words. The way I do this is to learn five or six new Spanish words at a time by putting them into sentences.

I repeat the sentences until I have learned all the new words. Sometimes I use the new words to make fun sentences. "

Marvin (16 years)

Overcome drug addiction

“I was addicted to benzodiazepines for years. for about 2 years i have made up my mind to go into withdrawal and have had 2 epileptic seizures in the process. since then I have had enormous memory problems. i started practicing buddism from nishiren daishonin a year ago. this includes meditation twice a day where I repeat a sentence for a while (Nam yoho renge kyo). That sure sounds strange or naive to many, but with it I adopted a new philosophy of life and it also helped me with my memory problems. Everyone should try to do their best to achieve their goals. because we have all the means to regain everything we lost and much more. it is important never to give up. "


Learn vocabulary

Learning vocabulary the best it helps me if I go through the vocabulary every evening before going to bed, as the brain is free of other things and is processed well at night. However, it is recommended to use up to 7 words a day.

N. Vasquez from LA

Learn to ride a bike

When I was 4 or 5 years old, it was my birthday. And I wanted a bike so badly. Because I wanted the bike so much, I got one. I enjoyed it so much, but the problem was, I couldn't drive, so my mom and dad helped me. They kept saying I should keep my balance. I tried a few times and then I could. Riding a bike is not that easy to learn. It was a sense of achievement for me.

Shabani Sar from Switzerland

Maybe you have a very personal learning story to tell. If you want to share your learning history with others, write to us at hbenesch@gmx.de.

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