
Learning techniques & Mnemonics

The learning card or learning box is based on an idea by Sebastian Leitner from 1972. The learning card is based on two principles that are well known from learning psychology:

- Associative learning
- principle of repetition

You start by adding the learning material to several cards, learning and then storing them in subject 1. The next day or later, the cards in compartment 1 are checked. Learned cards move to the next compartment , in this case, from the first to the second, cards that have not been learned come back behind the not yet queried cards in compartment 1. Man beginnt damit, mehrere Karten mit dem Lernstoff zu versehen, zu lernen und dann in Fach 1 abzulegen. Am nächsten Tag oder später werden die Karten in Fach 1 überprüft. Gelernte Karten wandern in das nächste Fach, in diesem Fall, vom ersten ins zweite, nicht gelernte Karten kommen zurück hinter die noch nicht abgefragten Karten in Fach 1.


After passing through all the cards in compartment 1, all learned cards must now be in compartment 2, and the non-learned cards in compartment 1. Now new cards can be added to compartment 1. At some point, compartment 2 will be almost completely filled with cards. If this is the case, all cards in compartment 2 are checked. The learned cards are given in compartment 3, the cards that have not been learned in compartment 1. Proceed in the same way with compartments 4 and 5.

Attention: incorrectly answered cards are always returned to the first compartment , Correctly answered cards go into the next compartment.

Cards that have reached compartment 5 should have entered the long-term memory by repeating them many times . Like exercise books and pencils, the learning box should be an integral part of the student's learning environment. The learning box is of course also suitable for adults.

Advantages of flash card systems

  • especially suitable for learning vocabulary
  • very efficient, as hard-to-remember things are often repeated, while things that have already been learned are rarely repeated
  • The learning card works according to the learning psychological findings of Hermann Ebbinghaus, according to which most is forgotten within the first few days, later less and less, ie at the beginning the material is repeated in short time intervals, later in longer time intervals.
  • fpromotes structured learning
  • suitable for all ages

Learning techniques



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