The loci method

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"When you get into the water, you learn to swim."

The loci technique (Latin locus = place) is one of the oldest and most proven methods of memorizing things in a certain order . Even the Greeks and Romans used them to memorize important terms in free speech, which could often last for several hours.

The loci technique requires ambition and a little practice. Almost all memory artists work with this method in order to memorize a lot of information in a very short time.

Linking place and image

The loci method or route method takes advantage of the fact that the human brain works associatively. With this method, the known, with the loci method, it is a place, linked to the term that you want to remember. The link between the place and the term to be remembered should not be in a logical context. The more unusual the link that you have to visualize as an image, the better the link can be learned.


You choose a location, e.g. B. Your apartment or a room in your apartment or the way to work or school. Then select places in it that are very different from each other and remember these places in a certain order.

Example: You want to memorize the following 10 terms in the correct order:

football, fountain pen, work report, chocolate bar, candle, soap, towel, camera, bottle, yoghurt; Then you could proceed something like this: As places from home to work you have e.g. For example, the following places are noted in this order:

front door, garden gate, bridge, kiosk, supermarket, machine factory, traffic light, church, level crossing and entrance to your workplace. These places are figuratively anchored in your mind in that order.


Now link the places you have already learned with the terms that you want to remember. Pairs are always formed between a location and a term to be learned. In the example shown, you could e.g. B. when leaving your house, jump against a soccer ball. When you open the garden gate, your new pen suddenly falls on the floor and breaks. When crossing the bridge you will see many notebooks lying on the bridge, which remind you that a work report has to be drawn up. You can link the remaining terms to the remaining locations in the same way. All you have to do to get the information is go through the path from start to finish.

For everyday use, it is sufficient, if you memorize up to 20 locations.

Learning techniques

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