The picture system

Learning techniques & mnemonic techniques

In order to be able to work with the picture system, you first have to learn the pictures listed below with the corresponding numbers . It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As you can see, the candle looks like a 1, the chair has 4 legs, and the elephant's trunk, which is rolled inward, resembles a 6.

  1. candle
  2. swan
  3. trident
  4. chair
  5. hand
  6. elephant trunk
  7. pipe
  8. hourglass
  9. snake
  10. drummer
  11. Cologne cathedral
  12. clock

If you have mastered the picture-number link, you can get started. Suppose you want to memorize the terms butter, bun, milk, Nutella, and cream cheese. Now you could, for example, imagine that the butter hovers over the candle and is melted by the flame. You can remember the rolls by imagining a swan that is being fed with white bread. You keep the milk by seeing a bag of milk in your mind's eye, which when poured into a glass contains lots of small prickly cacti. Proceed in the same way with the Nutella and cream cheese. Every term that you want to remember is linked graphically with one of the images you have already learned. The crazier the resulting images, the easier it is for you to memorize the terms to be learned and to memorize them again later. is visually linked to one of the images that have already been learned. The crazier the resulting images, the easier it is for you to memorize the terms to be learned and to memorize them again later. is visually linked to one of the images that have already been learned. The crazier the resulting images, the easier it is for you to memorize the terms to be learned and to memorize them again later.

The picture system is particularly helpful if you want to memorize objects in a certain order.




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