The picture system

Learning techniques & mnemonic techniques

The story technique is a very easy-to-use method to increase memory. It is particularly useful when terms need to be remembered in a specific order. In the story technique, the terms to be learned are packed into a self-invented little story . The advantage of the story technique is that the learning terms are learned visually and associatively and can therefore be remembered very well when they are called up.

The 8 planets of our solar system in the order from inside out:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Think of the sun as a big glowing ball. Very close to the sun is a thermometer filled with mercury. Mercury is called Mercury in English. Mercury sounds similar to the name of the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury. Due to the great heat, the thermometer shatters and the mercury floats freely in the room. A pretty girl by the name of Venus comes floating over and is happy about the shiny silver beads. He picks up a bead and looks at it carefully. Then it occurs to him.
You, yes you on earth stand in your garden and watch a glittering bead land in your neighbor's garden. Her neighbor, a little red-headed man, is chewing a sticky chocolate bar, a Mars. Her neighbor checks the find with a critical eye when suddenly a severe tremor shakes the earth. A giant appears in front of them with a stick bent like a J. His name is Jupiter. A yellow sun can be seen on his T-shirt, in which the letters of his three slightly smaller brothers are depicted.

If you have read this story carefully and imagined the text visually, you will have learned that our solar system has 8 planets. You have memorized the order in relation to the relative distance to the sun, you now know that Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system after the sun, that Mars is also called the “red” planet and, if you didn't already know, that mercury is poisonous.

Example: human development

Human ancestry from Ramapithecus to Australopithecus, further to Homo habilis, from this to Homo erectus and finally to Homo sapiens.

A loaf of bread with Rama is on the table so that Pit and Hecus fight. Since they both live in Australia, it is not surprising when suddenly a kangaroo hops past the window while Pit and Hecus are watching. Her father Homer, who is a qualified professor, enters the room. Erec appears behind him, her younger brother. The father says: Sapperlot, give Erec the bread. He is the youngest and the brightest of you, which is why you should call him Sapiens in the future, Homo Sapiens.




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